Sunday, January 31, 2010

Long time

So I haven't posted for a while!

Friday my dad came down. We went out to dinner at Red Robin to celebrate Troy getting promoted to CP the day before. Yes I know Red Robin very exciting. It was just nice to go out to eat. The girls did a good job. Riley is going through that phase that makes it tough to go out to eat. We spent the rest of the night at home. We let the kids take a bubble bath which is Tatum's favorite. She would sit in the bath all day if i would let her. After the kids went to bed we watched Kitchen nightmares, Gordon Ramsey is a amazing chef who is really fun to watch on TV. We called it a night kinda early.

Saturday morning I changed the carseats over to my dads jeep. As I was taking out our DVD player I happened to smash the part that plugs into the lighter and shatter it. This was not good because my dad was going to drive 2 hours back to Omaha with the girls later, and a Movie makes the drive much better. After the craziness of getting ready we went to brunch at Granite City, which was amazing as always. While we were there they let us go into the prep room and watch as they announced to the staff that Troy was going to be the CP of that store. Tatum didn't like it back there too much, so as soon as they announced it we had to leave. My dad decided to buy the girls a new dual DVD player for the car. Thanks dad!

As for Saturday night me and Troy got to have a date night which felt great, not havign to worry about being home at a certain time. We ended up meeting up with some other managers from Granite City and probably stayed out later than we should have considering Troy had to open this morning. Sorry hunny! I hope you day goes good.

I will probably slack on posts this week because it is going to be boring in our house, hopefully lots of cleaning. The girls are at my dads, and he is very excited to spend the week with them.

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